I have felt so grateful to God for so many things this past week. So, I thought I'd give testimony of them so God can get the glory from more people than just me!
I'm Thankful....
1. That I have a wonderful hubby that loves me even when I'm moaning through morning sickness and getting fatter...
2. For morning one on one snuggles in bed with whoever comes in my room first
3. For kids that love to read and leave their books all over the living room, dining room, bedrooms, basement, bathroom, but rarely near the bookcase....
4. For a hubby that I'm still madly head over heels in love with after (almost) twelve years
5. For the ability to have fresh water in our home and not have to go outside to get it
6. For good books to grow my faith
7. For "box dinners" when I can't cook
8. For simple traditions- like wrestling and driving around looking at Christmas lights
9. For the 12th week of pregnancy and the hope that I'll feel better soon
10. For the miracle of the growth of a baby inside a mother's womb
11. For daughters that throw whole cupfuls of water on their fathers when messing around
12. For fathers that know how to tickle little girls till they pee their pants
13. For pimples-cause they keep me humble
14. For maternity pants that don't have huge panels
15. For a hubby that loves buying me clothes- especially maternity clothes (hey, maybe that's why we keep having kids!)
16. For my little boys who run around outside barefooted in December even when I'm hollering to come inside because, for cryin' out loud, IT'S DECEMBER!
17. For kids who can do their own laundry, dishes, mopping, taking the trash out, wash windows, sweep, scrub bathrooms, BUT, physically CANNOT remember to clean their room
18. For God's gentle reminder of MY dependence on Him when I remind them, again, to keep their room clean.
19. For wonderful friends who hold me accountable to reading my Bible... it's such a good thing to have...
20. For having a blog where I can share all this rambling- otherwise I'd never remember to say it all to all of you!
Great list- I should do that too :) Blessings of life- may we BOTH feel just as thankful to our Savior when things aren't so good. Why did God choose us to have such "good" things? I've been thinking of that a lot lately...