Friday, March 7, 2008

Humility- Part 1

This year I have been overwhelmingly convicted about humility. So since God has placed this in my heart I decided to spend this year slowly reading, studying, praying and, hopefully, practicing humility.
In an effort to connect with Caitlin, I read Carolyn Mahaney's excellent book Girl Talk. In there she mentions that even if I totally mess up stuff as a mom, if I show humility by confessing my failures to my daughter and to God quickly, I will do great things for our relationship. So I'm holding on to that fact and getting serious about pride in my heart.

I am starting by reading CJ Mahaney's book called Humility, True Greatness. So far it is excellent. The first part of the book is full of explanation of what humility is and is not. But now in the latter part of the book he is speaking of practical ways to combat pride and grow in humility. So I am going to post a series of my study notes here so I can refer to them.

Humility workout for the AM
1. Preach the gospel to myself each morning
- "How can anyone be arrogant when he stands beside the cross?" Don Carson
- I had read Jerry Bridges' books where he focuses on "how" to do this so I feel like I already have an understanding of this. I now just need to remember to "DO" it!
2. Begin my day by acknowledging my dependence on God, my need for God and my confidence in God.
- Be on the offensive with the battle of my flesh
- speak truth to myself instead of listening to the lies of my flesh
3. Begin my day by expressing gratefulness to God
-How alert and perceptive of God's mercies am I? Of His provision, presence, kindness, grace?
4. Practice spiritual disciplines
- Prayer
-Study of God's Word
5. Seize my commute (or in my case, mundane moments or down time) to memorize and meditate on scripture.
- don't waste my time
-When and where can I implement this? I don't feel like I have much down time. I need to be constantly looking for this!
6.Cast my cares on Him
-The humble are generally care free
-When I experience anxiety, the root issue is that I'm trying to be self sufficient and independent of God
- By casting my cares on Him I am acknowledging my need for Him to transform me
-Don't expect my hour devotion time in the morning to sustain me throughout the day. My pride gets in the way and resists Him
-Reflect on the fact that all my "cares" are provided by God for the sole purpose of cultivating humility in me and dependence on Him. So don't be surprised when they come!


  1. Thanks for this- keep up the notes for us! I remember being very encouraged by Carolyn's comment about that as well- her examples brought it home. I do NOT do this regularly.. oh my.. lots to work on... :)

  2. awesome...thanks for posting this.


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