Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Winter of 2010 Sampling

Brent taught a lesson on land navigation skills when we were studying Columbus.
They all understood it, but I was completely lost!
They all found all their plotted points! Even in the dark!
We had SO MUCH SNOW this winter!
Look at those walls of snow!
Studying volcanos was fun!
Our volcano before being painted....
Grant and Jake both found half frozen birds at different times this winter. We brought them in, warmed them up, fed them, identified them and sent them on their way.
The kids love it when we shop at grocery stores where they pack stuff in boxes. The boxes are always good for some crafts!
Some divers at the aquarium were feeding the rays and let Jake and Quinn help. Poor Quinn almost threw up looking at the clams! Jake wasn't too fond of them either.
We love to bring our nature journals to the aquarium. Quinn had a good seat!
A trip with the co-op to learn about early American history was tons of fun!
What a paradox! Everlasting snow on the ground but hot enough to be in shorts and tshirt!

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